Tuesday, August 26, 2008


A cheekily insouciant critique of modern sexual mores, Billy Bragg's effervescent "Sexuality" is possibly the most accessible and poppish instance in the veteran rebel poet's vast catalogue. Sprinkled with impossibly witty wordplay ("Safe sex doesn't mean no sex, it just means use your imagination") and a sparkling guitar riff courtesy of ex-Smiths guitar wizard Johnny Marr, "Sexuality" is matched with a buoyant video that pokes giddy fun at the subject matter.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

John the Revelator

Originally an oblique critique of St. John of Patmos, or better known as Johnt he Divine, who, accordinng to popular tradition, wrote the apocalyptic Book of Revelation, Depeche Mode's "John the Revelator" had an alternative video clip made by enigmatic Internet maverick Violator of the Regime in 2006. In his hands, the song became a no-holds-barred, scathing indictment of the foreign policy of the neo-conservative Republican administration. Replete with images of warfare, religious strife, and none-too-flattering protrayals of prominent personalities like Tony Blair, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and George W. Bush (including several depictions of him as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse), this new-look, satirical "John the Revelator" video can be regarded as one of the most effective visual condemnations of unchecked right-wing, neo-imperialist intentions.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Finer Things

Steve Winwood's "The Finer Things" is one of the lesser-known singles in his huge repertoire, but it remains an enduring fan favourite, largely by virtue of its eminently melodic structure, bright-eyed, optimistic songwords and polished production values. Check out a stellar live perfornace of this minor classic, which features one of Winwood's inimitable Moog synth jams, effortlessly providing solid proof why he is one of the undisputed keyboard greats of all time.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Little Wing

One of the strongest cover versions ever done of a Jimi Hendrix number must be Sting's superlative take on "Little Wing". While the original is a simple, cloistered ditty built around a series of rudimentary hooks, Sting took a different tack by transforming the song into a grandly realised, tonally enhanced mood piece with new, original riffs by guitarist Hiram Bullock, a keening saxophone solo from Brandford Marsalis, and an upfront, confident vocal by Sting himself. Check out this stylish black-and-white in-concert clip that displays the band in full flight, performing this vintage rock standard.